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Dr. McCoy (DM): I don’t need a doctor, damnit! I am a doctor!

Flight Officer (FO): You need to get back to your seat.

DM: I had one in the bathroom with no windows.

FO: You need to get back to your seat now!

DM: I suffer from Aviaphobia, it means fear of dying in something that flies.

FO: Sir, for your own safety, sit down or else I’ll make you sit down.

DM: (nods) Fine.

FO: Thank you.

Captain Pike: (over speaker) This is Captain Pike, we’ve been cleared for take-off.

DM: I may throw up on you.

Kirk: I think these things are pretty safe.

DM: Don’t pander to me kid, one tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. Solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats and wait til you’re sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you’re so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence.