Remembering the Holocaust
The film The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is based on a novel. The novel features a fictional story set against a background of real events – the persecution and the extermination of the Jewish communities from across Europe in concentration camps set up by the Nazis.
The terrible events that took place during this time are remembered in history lessons, in literature and on film: school children and adults now visit the sites of the death camps and concentration camps, learning about what happened there, and survivors from the camps also tell their stories so that future generations won’t forget.
Film Education spoke to one of these survivors, Eva Neumann. Eva has made the UK her home but as a child, she experienced the horrific events of the Holocaust first-hand. You can read the full transcript of the interview, and listen to extracts from Eva’s story, in these pages.
Extract 1:
Why do you think the Holocaust should be remembered? (Transcript)
Extract 2:
What message do you think students could take away from the film The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas? (Transcript)