The Shape of the Wind
Using the information given, imagine that you are Soren or Gylfie and you are about to take your first flight into the thermals.
Write a poem as if you are an owl looking down on the world whilst you are mid-flight. Use these words to help you. Once you have written your poem, draw a picture of the world from an owls’-eye view.
- Solitary
- Nocturnal
- Binocular vision
- Filoplumes – hair like feathers on beak and feet like ‘feelers’
- Silent flight feathers
- Stealth and surprise
- Invisible and silent
- Sky
- Stars
- Air shapes
- Shape of the wind
- Clouds
- Owl noises – screeches
- Wing-span
- Lightening
- Wet feathers
- Flying through rain
- Gizzard test
- ‘Crabbing’ – flying sideways to get through fierce winds
- Thermals – warm drafts of air
- Rapid take off
- Straight up
- Thrust
- Power
- Flapping wing beats
- Power down-stroke
- Upstroke
- Curl of warm air
- Carving spirals and loops in the night
- Thermal updraft
- Hollow bones