Teachers’ notes
The Story of the Weeping Camel educational web resource is aimed at pupils at upper Key Stage 2 (9–11 year olds). It offers teachers a means of working on the film in a curriculum-focused context. Areas of examination within the guide are:
- understanding texts from different cultures and traditions
- making meaning from moving image texts
- documentary and storytelling
In particular, this resource looks at the way in which the film tells the true story of a family’s life in the Mongolian desert.
The resource addresses the following areas of the curriculum:
Geography (From Levels 3 and 4 of the Geography Attainment Targets as set out in the National Curriculum Handbook for Primary Teachers)
Pupils will:
- describe and compare the physical and human features of different localities and offer explanations for the locations of some of those features.
- become aware that different places may have both similar and different characteristics.
- recognise and describe physical and human processes. They will begin to understand how these can change the features of places, and how these changes affect the lives and activities of people living there.
- use primary and secondary sources of evidence in their investigations and communicate their findings using appropriate vocabulary. English (From Levels 3 and 4 of the English Attainment Targets as set out in the National Curriculum Handbook for Primary Teachers)
Attainment target 2: reading
Pupils will:
- respond to non-fiction by showing an understanding of the main points.
Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship (From the non-statutory guidelines for Key Stage 2 as set out in the National Curriculum Handbook for Primary Teachers)
Pupils will be taught:
- about the different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school and in the community, and that these can sometimes conflict with each other.
- to reflect on spiritual, moral, social, and cultural issues, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences.
- to think about the lives of other people living in other places and times, and people with different values and customs.
- that differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors, including cultural, ethnic, racial and religious diversity.
Science (From Levels 3 and 4 of the Science Attainment Targets as set out in the National Curriculum Handbook for Primary Teachers) Attainment target 2: life processes and living things
Pupils will:
- use their knowledge and understanding of basic life processes (for example, reproduction) when they describe living things.
- identify ways in which an animal is suited to its environment.
Music (From Levels 3 and 4 of the Music Attainment Targets as set out in the National Curriculum Handbook for Primary Teachers)
Pupils will:
- explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively.
- identify and explore the relationship between sounds and how music reflects different intentions.
- describe, compare and evaluate different kinds of music using an appropriate musical vocabulary.