An enchanting story uniquely comprised of equal parts reality, drama, and magic, THE STORY OF THE WEEPING CAMEL follows the adventures of a family of herders in Mongolia’s Gobi desert who face a crisis when a mother camel rejects her newborn calf after a particularly difficult birth. Without its mother’s milk, the little camel will not survive so, in accordance with an ancient ritual, a musician is summoned from a far-off village to perform a ceremony that is meant to coax the mother into nursing her baby. Apart from reuniting parent with child, legend has it that the ritual has the miraculous side effect of causing the mother to weep. Exploring a distant and exotic culture in which tradition, myth, and family unity (both human and animal) are essential elements of daily life, THE STORY OF THE WEEPING CAMEL is a window into a different way of life and the universal terrain of the heart.
Directed by: Byambasuren Davaa and Luigi Falorni
Certificate: U
Running time: 90 minutes
UK release date: 9th July 2004
Press Notes:
The Cast
The family featured in The Story of the Weeping Camel are 4 generations who all live together.
Great Grandfather: Janchiv Ayurzana
Great Grandmother: Chimed Ohin
Grandfather: Amgaabazar Gonson (Amgaa)
Grandmother: Zeveljamz Nyam (Zevel)
Father: Ikhbayar Amgaabazar (Ikchee)
Mother: Odgerel Ayusch (Odgoo)
Older Brother: Enkhbulgan Ikhbayar (Dude)
Younger Brother: Uuganbaatar Ikhbayar (Ugna)
Young Daughter: Guntbaatar Ikhabayar (Guntee)
Mother Camel: Ingen Temee
Baby Camel: Botok