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The Competition

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A big thank you for all your hard work creating mashed up, original trailers for Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Dog Days. We received hundreds of entries to the competition and the overall winner is 12 year-old Olivia from Parmiter's School in Watford, Hertfordshire who receives in iPad for herself and £1,000 for her school.

As you know, trailers try to persuade us to go to see films. They can show us some of the funniest, most exciting or most shocking parts of a film.

Trailers can be different lengths (usually no longer than 2 minutes) depending where they are shown. Your task is to make a TV advert for Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days that is 30 seconds long.

Think carefully about how you could change this trailer so that it appeals even more to an audience of children aged 7-13. Use this downloadable worksheet to help you think about how to make the best trailer possible.


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